
Hello again! I wanted to let you know some basic information you may not already know about Anesthesia-Free teeth cleaning. We hold these cleanings at the shop every three months or so. Our next cleaning will be Friday, March 20th. We have a great holistic veterinarian that practices up north but comes down to the valley frequently, Dr. Timothy A Patterson of Holistic Veterinary Services that does the anesthesia-free cleanings right here at our shop for both dogs AND cats! It’s a great, inexpensive alternative for teeth cleaning so I will breakdown everything you need to know.

First off, price. Yes in fact I will start there for so many reasons. Often times at the shop we get a wide array of folks that ask price first and foremost. If you have a pet, you have probably already inquired about teeth cleanings for them at the vets office. The price for one animal alone will range anywhere from $250-600 give or take. This does not include the cost of any teeth extractions that they may need to do as they generally will not know until they have your pet at their facility. The price is also significantly higher because they have to account for blood work taken and the anesthesia given among other things. For some, it is a necessity to get it done a the vet as the teeth are already too far gone for a simple anesthesia-free teeth scaling. Some pet owners can afford this route and do not inquire otherwise into other alternatives, but for a majority of us pet lovers who have multiple pets at home it can be hard to put that much money down at once. Here at Puff & Fluff, the cost to have the vet techs work on your pets is either $155 for a pet under 50 lbs or $175 for pets that weigh over 50 lbs. It is a huge difference in what can go back in your pocket for a rainy day.

The next general question we get is, how? How do they work on the animals without anesthesia? I love answering this one. First of all I want to let you know that Dr. Patterson is on site and checks each pets vitals before any work is done. He makes sure that the pet can be treated then and there. In the 4 times we have had Dr. Patterson at our shop. He has only had to turn away one pets because the dogs teeth were so far gone in decay that they would have to likely be extracted. We worked with the owner and told them of a good vet in town to see for such a case. After each pet is examined, the vet techs then take the pets and swaddle them up in a towel or blanket. From there they breathe calmly and softly into their noses and get straight to work. It is amazing with what ease how each vet tech is able to work on these animals. Each pet that comes through, big or small takes no longer than an hour.

Here is another question, what if my dog needs a tooth extraction? If your pet is here for our anesthesia-free teeth cleaning and needs anything other than just that, we will contact you to let you know. No extractions will happen without your prior knowledge. We are pet parents too, we give the same level of service we would expect as such. We will let you know asap!

Now that it’s done and their teeth are clean, what next? After your pet has had their teeth cleaned here at the shop, Dr. Patterson will give each pet parent a breakdown on the level of tartar, etc. and then let you know when the next recommended date for another anesthesia-free teeth cleaning would be.  Any questions you might have for the Dr. at this time, he can answer for you too.

Lastly – we do have teeth brush rinse you can spray into your pets mouth after their cleaning every day to keep them up until their next visit. We have a spray bottle to use too, making it very easy. The bottle and rinse is $15 total. Call or text the shop phone for an appointment, 602-266-5360. We look forward to seeing you.

~Melissa, Boutique Manager