Why Are Saint Bernards So Big?

Blog Introduction: If you have ever seen a Saint Bernard, you know that these dogs are big—really big. But why is that? It turns out there are a few different factors at play here. Let’s take a look at why Saint Bernards are so large. Breed History The Saint...

Are Pitbulls Good Family Dogs?

The Pitbull has an unfortunate reputation among much of the general public due to historical associations with dogfighting and isolated incidents of aggression against humans. However, modern-day Pitbulls are bred without the stereotyped aggression and make wonderful...

Pet grooming vs Veterinary care

Having a pet is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also requires dedication to ensure your pet is healthy and happy. It’s important to understand the various types of care available for pets in order to provide them with the best possible care two major...

How to ensure a dog stays active for longer

Dogs and humans have been forming mutually beneficial relationships for centuries, and although this started off as a purely practical arrangement, the emotional ties we feel for our dogs make them even better companions. As we relied on animals less and less to help...