There is no question that cats are a popular choice as a pet. More than 25% of households all across the country prefer these furry felines as a live-in friend. Sure they love to lay across your lap while you work or smack thing for no apparent reason. However, this...
Taking care of your dog and ensuring its safety outside is very important, especially now that various countries are adopting laws that protect animals. For example, in the US, several laws now discuss having limits when tying or chaining pets outdoors. The same goes...
Pets are interesting creatures. From cats that curl up next to you and dogs that want you to throw that same ball over and over again, to singing canaries and graceful tropical fish swimming around in their tanks, pets are sources of companionship and entertainment...
Unfortunately, Pitbulls have a bad reputation as vicious or dangerous, but that is unreasonable. In most cases, the reason people have issues with this breed is due to poor training. Many people don’t train and socialize their dogs correctly, which results in...
Is your cat scratching their skin more than usual? Is your furry friend continuously meowing at you, as if they’re complaining about something? If you said ‘yes’ to either of the questions above, perhaps, your fur baby has fleas underneath their fur. Note that failure...