7 of History’s Most Inspiring Dog Stories
As if you needed a reason to find dogs any more lovable than they already are! Over the course of history, dogs have done some really incredible things. And I’m not just referring to therapy dogs or military dogs; all kinds of dogs, big and small, have had an impact...
Owning a Dog is Great For Seniors!
Owning a dog is good at any time in your life, but there are lots of advantages for seniors. It can be so easy to become isolated, but a dog is a wonderful companion. Dogs are kind and intelligent animals that are in-tune with our feelings. They are the perfect...
Muddy Paws and Smelly Coats
You love your pets: That’s no lie. You put up with their demands (Feed me! Walk me!). You make sure they receive regular care for physical well-being. You play with them and buy them the treats and the toys that they love. And in return, your pets—particularly...
What “Back-to-School” Can Mean For Your Furry Friends
The air is turning more crisp (at least if you’re in the Northeast!), leaves are changing colors and kids around the world are heading back to school – that’s what many think of when the month of September comes to mind. However, what does this season mean for your...
How To Pick The Right Groomer For Your Dog
Dog owners, we’re a picky bunch. Picky about the food we feed our beloved dogs, the products we’ll buy them. And most of all - which humans we’ll entrust with their care. With that in mind, how do you select the perfect groomer to work with your dog? And did you know...
These Household Toxins May Be Harming Your Furry Friend
We know that certain household toxins, like asbestos and ammonia, can be damaging to ourselves and our children - but what about our pets? Since our pets are usually the ones who have their noses to the floor and their tongues tasting every nook and cranny, they are...
Top 6 Common Myths about Rottweilers
There are many opinions about the Rottweiler breed, and most of them are not positive. Because of the physical characteristics and its unearned reputation, the Rottweiler is often considered a dangerous, violent dog. Unfortunately, these opinions are developed on...
What You Need to Know About Holistic Pet Care
August 30th is National Holistic Pet Day – but, you may be wondering, what does that actually mean? When we think of “holistic health” for humans, we may think about health care that heals patients with methods to connect the mind, body and spirit. It’s an alternative...
How to Make Delicious Dog-Friendly Ice Cream
Ice cream...for dogs?? Yep, that’s right! If you’re dog is looking at you with those sad puppy eyes as you enjoy that delicious chocolate ice cream this summer, now you can give him or her something to enjoy too! While it may be tempting to sneak your dogs a taste of...
Offers for Grand Opening – Litchfield
Offers for Grand Opening - Litchfield Must Mention the offer: 8/6-8/12: Free poop bag with a try me size treat bag with any service 8/13 and 8/14: 20% off on Sunday and Monday 8/15-8/19: 25% off services for new clients 8/20 Free Dog Nail Trim Event from 10 am - 2 pm....
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4730 E Indian School Rd #213
Phoenix AZ 85018
6685 W Beardsley Rd #120
Glendale, AZ 85308
39512 W. Daisy Mountain Dr,
Anthem, AZ 85086
5835 N 16th Street. Ste D & E
Phoenix, AZ 85016
221 N Litchfield Rd
Goodyear, AZ 85338
North 32nd (Greenway)
4022 E Greenway Rd. Ste 9
Phoenix, AZ 85032
15231 N. 87th St. 115B
Scottsdale, AZ 85260