Offers for Grand Opening – Litchfield

Offers for Grand Opening – Litchfield

Offers for Grand Opening - Litchfield Must Mention the offer: 8/6-8/12: Free poop bag with a try me size treat bag with any service 8/13 and 8/14: 20% off on Sunday and Monday 8/15-8/19: 25% off services for new clients 8/20 Free Dog Nail Trim Event from 10 am - 2 pm....

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Tips to Keep your fur babies safe this Rainy Season

Our fur babies are important members of the family and like humans, they go through moods and get sick. And because they can’t communicate in words, it’s important for us to anticipate their needs and give a little bit more attention especially now that the rainy...

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Laws Protecting you and Your Pet from Buying Pet Products

When adopting a pet, the first thing we usually do is go shopping for all the times they could possibly need and a lot of new stuff as a new pet parent could think of. You may think of buying the usual items such as food, water bowls, leashes, collars and bed. And you...

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Cat Lovers vs Dog Lovers: Is There Really a Difference?

Cat Lovers vs Dog Lovers: Is There Really a Difference?

August marks the month in which both National Dog Day and International Cat Day are celebrated. While many people focus on comparing the so-called dog and cat people, what does it mean if you have both cats and dogs? Is it possible to have an equal love for both types...

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5 Tips to Ensure You Never Lose Your Pet

5 Tips to Ensure You Never Lose Your Pet

According to the ASPCA, more than 7.6 million cats and dogs enter shelters every year - and many are lost family pets. PetHub created Lost Pet Prevention Month in July 2014 to give pet parents focused, in-depth resources, tools, and strategies for preventing a lost...

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Become a Pet Traveling Pro with This Simple Advice

Become a Pet Traveling Pro with This Simple Advice

New Yorkie, New Yorkie, here we come! Planning a vacation with your furry friends can be really exciting! Whether you’re heading to a muttropolitan area or somewhere more rural, you should schedule a check-up for your pet to make sure they’re in good health and are...

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What You Need to Know for National Pet Fire Safety Day

What You Need to Know for National Pet Fire Safety Day

July 15th marks National Pet Fire Safety Day, sponsored by the The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), ADT Security Services and the American Kennel Club® (AKC). This day was created to spread awareness about how your beloved pets can actually start home fires,...

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4 Tips to Keep Pets Safe on the Fourth

4 Tips to Keep Pets Safe on the Fourth

Independence Day is an exciting time around the country. We celebrate the Fourth of July with BBQs, family, and friends, usually ending the night with fireworks. But, before you head out to buy your hot dog buns and burger meat, be sure to take a few minutes to make...

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Cats 101: Tips on Basic Care and Taking Care of your Feline

Cats 101: Tips on Basic Care and Taking Care of your Feline

Like any other pets, getting or adopting a new kitten can seem like a daunting responsibility, especially if it’s your first. This guide will help you determine exactly which kitty will be a good match for your lifestyle and how you can keep them happy and healthy....

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History’s 7 Biggest Animal Rights Victories

History’s 7 Biggest Animal Rights Victories

Animal Rights Awareness Week, which originated in 1999 by the animal rights group, In Defense of Animals (IDA), starts on June 19 this year. The goal of the week is to help raise animal rights awareness by educating the public about the basic needs of animals around...

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4730 E Indian School Rd #213
Phoenix AZ 85018


6685 W Beardsley Rd #120
Glendale, AZ 85308


39512 W. Daisy Mountain Dr,
Anthem, AZ 85086


5835 N 16th Street. Ste D & E
Phoenix, AZ 85016


221 N Litchfield Rd
Goodyear, AZ 85338

North 32nd (Greenway)

4022 E Greenway Rd. Ste 9
Phoenix, AZ 85032


15231 N. 87th St. 115B
Scottsdale, AZ 85260