Meet the Woman Behind Puff and Fluff!

Meet the Woman Behind Puff and Fluff!

With four locations, a growing online community, and no stopping in sight, Puff and Fluff has become a pet grooming staple in Arizona! Whether you’re a new customer or have been coming to Puff and Fluff for years, you may be wondering who the person behind it all is!...
Why Great Customer Service is Crucial in Pet Grooming

Why Great Customer Service is Crucial in Pet Grooming

No matter what industry you’re in, sometimes business can drive you barking mad, right? Trust me, I get it! But, even on the most hectic and insane days (and there will be many when running a small business!), it’s important to remain cool, calm, and collected for the...
Learn More About Puff & Fluff’s Core Values

Learn More About Puff & Fluff’s Core Values

Whether you’re new to the Puff and Fluff community or you’ve been with us for years, it’s important for our team to remain transparent when it comes to our core values. Here at Puff and Fluff, we’re so much more than groomers and expert nail cutters– we genuinely care...
4 Facts About Our Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleanings

4 Facts About Our Anesthesia-Free Teeth Cleanings

So, you’ve noticed Fido’s breath is starting to wreak and perhaps he has a bit of tartar – it’s time to book an appointment for a teeth cleaning! However, you may be reluctant to book a treatment that involves your dog undergoing anesthesia. Whether you have a pup or...
How This Simple Sign Can Save Your Pet’s Life

How This Simple Sign Can Save Your Pet’s Life

Have you ever thought about what would happen to your pets in case of an emergency? What if you’re not home? How will authorities know how many pets you have inside that need to be saved? In light of National Lost Pet Prevention Month and National Pet Fire Safety Day,...
4 Tips for National Pet Fire Safety Day

4 Tips for National Pet Fire Safety Day

Each July 15th marks National Pet Fire Safety Day, sponsored by the The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), ADT Security Services, and the American Kennel Club® (AKC). Created to spread awareness about how our pets can actually start home fires, this day also...
3 Tips to Know this Lost Pet Prevention Month

3 Tips to Know this Lost Pet Prevention Month

Did you know more dogs go missing on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year? July is a month of many celebrations and it’s also National Lost Pet Prevention Month. According to the ASPCA, more than 7.6 million cats and dogs enter shelters each year. Many of...
5 Benefits of CBD Treats

5 Benefits of CBD Treats

Before we talk about the benefits, you may be wondering: what is CBD? Great question! In this post, we’ll go over what it is and how it can benefit your furry friends. CBD is short for “cannabidiol” – it’s one of more than 100 compounds found in the cannabis...
5 Pet-Friendly Hotels in Arizona

5 Pet-Friendly Hotels in Arizona

As a pet groomer in Arizona, I often have folks ask me about pet-friendly hotels in the area. You may have family or friends visiting with their furry friends who need a nice place to stay! I know how important it is to find pet-friendly accommodations – I have...
Easy DIY Pet Treats to Make This Summer

Easy DIY Pet Treats to Make This Summer

While the pet industry is saturated with newer, healthier treats for our furry friends each day, it’s quite easy to bypass the store altogether and make your own! Us humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy a frozen treat on a hot summer day. While many toss an ice cube...
Pet Water Safety: What You Need to Know

Pet Water Safety: What You Need to Know

Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! If you plan on taking your pups for a swim this summer, that’s great! But there are a few things you should know ahead of time! Whether you plan on taking your furry friends to the...
5 Tips for Hiking with Your Pet

5 Tips for Hiking with Your Pet

As the weather warms up, it’s time to put on your walking shoes, get outdoors, and enjoy all that nature has to offer. If you have a pup, most likely you’ll want to take him or her along to enjoy some exercise as well! While it’s great to spend quality time with your...
It’s Puppy Mill Action Week! Learn How You Can Help

It’s Puppy Mill Action Week! Learn How You Can Help

A puppy mill is defined as an establishment that breeds puppies for sale, typically on an intensive basis and in conditions that are regarded as inhumane. These poor dogs have to suffer in cramped conditions; their quality of life is extremely poor. While this sounds...
Here’s How We’re Celebrating Mayday for Mutts!

Here’s How We’re Celebrating Mayday for Mutts!

As more and more folks choose to adopt from shelters, mutts are becoming more mainstream! Have you ever met a pup and asked the owner what breed he or she is only to find out, we’re not sure, she/he’s a mix! Now, the first Sunday of May is nationally known as “Mayday...
Why More and More Millennials Are Becoming Pet Owners

Why More and More Millennials Are Becoming Pet Owners

According to the American Pet Products Association, millennials are now officially the largest segment of pet owners in the United States. Millennials, or Generation Y, now account for 35 percent of all pet owners. They now own more pets than baby boomers. Do you know...
The Top 3 Pet Security Products You Need to Know About

The Top 3 Pet Security Products You Need to Know About

If you have a pet, then I’m sure one of your top priorities is to keep him or her safe. April is a big month for pet safety awareness. In fact, April 23rd is National Lost Dog Awareness Day and the third full week in April is National Pet ID Week. While you may opt to...
Check out These Easy-To-Make DIY Pet Toys!

Check out These Easy-To-Make DIY Pet Toys!

Did you know that April 22nd is Earth Day? The first Earth Day was established in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin. Today – more than ever – as the world population continues to grow, it’s important for all of us to do our part in helping to keep planet...

The 5 Coolest Pet-Themed Cafes in the World

Whether or not you’re a coffee connoisseur, pet-themed cafes are adorable spots for any pet lover to enjoy! With the pet industry booming, more businesses are catering to folks who adore their cats and dogs. It’s not enough to just grab a drink at any old coffee shop...
Check out These Cool Pet Fairs and Conferences

Check out These Cool Pet Fairs and Conferences

For anyone working in the pet industry, pet fairs and conferences are a must! Filled with the latest products, useful seminars and, of course, adorable animals, these conferences are a way to tap into the industry and network with others. With the pet industry topping...
The Benefits of Brain Training for Pets

The Benefits of Brain Training for Pets

As much as everyone loves puppies, it’s inevitable that one day your big-eyed pups will turn into older dogs. While we, of course, still love our senior dogs, it’s easy to reminisce about their puppy days, wishing they were just as active as they were back then....
6 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Winter

6 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Winter

Whether your pet loves the winter or not, it’s important to keep them safe this season. While your furry friend may have a nice thick coat, pets are just as susceptible to ailments this time of year as we humans are. When temperatures drop and streets are covered in...
Top Tips for Planning “Playdates” for Your Dog

Top Tips for Planning “Playdates” for Your Dog

It’s February and love is in the air! While us humans fret about our potential Valentine’s, we mustn’t forget that our furry friends need companionship too! And while dogs surely love their humans, it’s nice to set up playdates with their furry pawtners in crime...