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From someone who has multiple dogs at home and spends their time volunteering at the shelter with dog walking, I see the importance of getting pups their exercise and stimulation. The benefits are endless. Here are some key points to keep in mind when exercising your dog.

  • Exercise – it is important that we keep our dogs fit for so many reasons but most importantly, for their health. Every dog breed is different and may require more time and attention. For instance a boxer may have way more energy than a Chihuahua but don’t underestimate the need for exercise for all dog breeds. Lack of exercise can lead to behavioral issues as well. For more information on how to best keep your dog healthy and active click here. Check this out as well on how dogs improve YOUR health.
  • Socialization – socializing your dog can help prevent timid or unruly behavior that can often set other dogs off. It is recommended as a puppy to take them to the dog park and burn off some of that puppy energy and have them learn to play with other dogs in a controlled and supervised environment. Many times, new pet owners will rescue dogs that are 2 years old or older. In this instance, take it slow. Perhaps take your new dog on a walk around the block and see how they react. Many times they tell you how they feel in their body language. Not all dogs will want to socialize in a park setting but perhaps with play dates at home they may feel more inclined. For more helpful information on dog socialization and behavior etiquette click here.
  • Stimulation – dogs need to be able to explore and have sensory stimulation. Walks provide them that opportunity so the more you can walk them, the better. Under stimulated dogs can often show signs of misbehaving by tearing up furniture and other such unwanted behavior. However, this is avoidable through exercise like daily walks. In the hot summer months here that may not always be an option so you can always exercise their minds with some puzzles with their food as well. This is a great tool and helps keep them busy. Get some ideas for dog food puzzles by clicking here.