Just a few more sleeps and we’ll get to celebrate one of the most heartwarming days of the year. Are you excited? Because the whole Puff and Fluff team are!
We are sure all your pets are excited too even though they probably just think it’s another normal day… But why make it normal when you can make it extra special for them as well (probably what we do for them yearly ;)) but if you are a new pet owner and you don’t know what something special to do for your pet or something pet-friendly, we have a few ideas for you.
- If you’re one of those people who plan things at the last minute, make sure you are going on a trip where you’re pets will be fully and wholeheartedly welcome. That means going to places such as hotels
or resorts where pets are allowed, and even booking transportations that lets your pets come with you.
- And whether you’re jet setting to another country or city or just staying in your lovely home, a fun thing to do is dress them up a little bit. Maybe let them wear a cute sweater you had knitted or just cute little christmas boots that will make them feel fuzzy! A good old santa hat will also suffice, of course!
- Last but definitely not the least is give them gifts! It could be a new toy, or a treat you made just for them. Whatever it is, we’re sure they’ll appreciate it and give you non-stop wet kisses.
- Don’t forget to cap this all off with a nice photo op with all their gifts and costumes with your amazing destination or home christmas tree in the background.
From the bottom of our hearts… Merry Christmas!!!