

Summer in the valley of the sun is brutal, to put it lightly! For this blogger, living here the past 31 years I know it can be hard on family outings and activities, especially for your four-legged friends. However, there is a silver lining. We here at Puff and Fluff have some great ideas to help keep your pup active and healthy!

  • SWIMMING! We know that not every dog is a water dog, but have you ever tried getting your pup in the water? Some dogs love it and it is a great source of exercise and can greatly reduce the stress your dog might have from being bored. If timid, try a low setting on a hose at first. *no pool? No problem, buy a kiddie pool!
  • Treadmill time! The treadmill, believe it or not, can be good for humans and dogs! Start your pooch off on a light, easy setting and keep an eye on them while they walk.
  • Play dates! If you don’t have a water loving pup or a treadmill, scheduling a play date is the next best thing. Call you friends whom have dogs of their own for a play date. Dogs are social creatures and thrive on interaction with not just humans, but other dogs too!