Understanding Dog Behavior: Why Does My Pet Eat Grass?

Pets have many curious tendencies that we can’t always understand. A common concern among dog parents is why their dog eats grass? Our dogs eat anything–from dirt to other dogs’ feces and toys, realistically anything they can get their mouth on. This is referred...
How Your Pets Benefit From Taking CBD Products

How Your Pets Benefit From Taking CBD Products

CBD products are made from the oil that’s extracted from the Cannabidiol plant. These CBD products don’t contain the THC compound, which is psychoactive. It’s important to remember this and not to confuse CBD products as similar to marijuana products, specifically...
Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment: Is It Effective?

Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment: Is It Effective?

Pet parents hate fleas for good reasons. Apart from causing discomfort to your pet itch, they leave dirt behind and can cause diseases in severe cases. As a responsible pet parent, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to protect your pets from fleas. One of the...