You woke up this morning to quite an unpleasant surprise. Your cat had an accident in multiple places around the house, leaving you a mess to clean up. As a cat owner, you know this is bound to happen occasionally. While frustrating, the key is staying calm and cleaning thoroughly. The last thing you want is for the smell to linger or stains to set in. In this article, we’ll provide tips for effectively cleaning up after your cat has diarrhea so you can get your space back to normal as quickly as possible. The cleanup process may not be fun, but with the right approach and supplies, you’ll have your home fresh and feline accident-free in no time.

Understanding Cat Diarrhea: Causes and Symptoms

Understanding what’s causing your cat’s diarrhea and the symptoms to watch for can help you properly care for them. Diarrhea in cats can be caused by:

  • Dietary indiscretion: Eating something they shouldn’t have, like trash, table scraps, or spoiled food. It usually resolves itself in a day or two.

  • Parasites: Worms or protozoa can irritate the intestines and cause loose stools. You may see mucus or blood in the stool. A vet can check a stool sample and provide deworming medication.

  • Bacterial infection: Salmonella or E. coli are possible culprits. You’ll notice increased stool frequency, cramping, dehydration, or lethargy. See a vet right away for diagnosis and antibiotics.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease: A chronic condition causing inflammation of the intestines. Symptoms include regular loose stools, mucus in the stool, decreased appetite, weight loss, or vomiting. Diagnosis and treatment by a vet are needed to manage this long-term issue.

  • Other issues: Hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, or kidney disease can also contribute to diarrhea. Watch for additional symptoms like increased thirst/urination, decreased grooming, or vomiting, and have your vet examine your cat.

The most important things are keeping your cat hydrated, limiting food for 12-24 hours, and confining them to an easy-to-clean room. See a vet if symptoms persist for over a couple of days or if your cat is lethargic or shows other issues. Better safe than sorry - your vet can properly assess what’s causing your cat’s diarrhea and get them back to normal in no time.

Cleaning Up Accidents: Tips for Removing Stains and Odors

When accidents happen, the most important thing is cleaning them up properly. Here are some tips for tackling cat diarrhea stains and odors in your home:

Cleaning Carpeted Areas

For carpets, blot with paper towels to absorb as much as possible. Then, apply a mixture of detergent, hydrogen peroxide, and water. Let it soak in before blotting and rinsing with water. Baking soda also helps neutralize odors - sprinkle it on the area and let it sit before vacuuming. You may need to repeat this a few times to remove the stain and smell entirely.

Cleaning Hard Floors

On hard floors, wipe up solids with paper towels or a mop, and then mop the area with an enzymatic cleaner or a mixture of detergent and hydrogen peroxide. For tough stains on grout or cracks in tiles, make a paste from water and baking soda or water and white vinegar and scrub with an old toothbrush.

Laundering Linens and Bedding

Wash linens separately on the hottest setting possible using a heavy-duty detergent. Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle and an extra rinse if needed. You can also add baking soda to boost odor removal. Before washing, pre-treat the area for tough stains.

You can prevent permanent damage and eliminate foul smells by cleaning up accidents immediately. Be patient through the process, as it can take repeated attempts to restore your space entirely. But with the right products and techniques, you can get your home back to normal in no time.

Preventing Future Messes: Litterbox Tips and Environmental Changes

To prevent future accidents around the house, make practical changes to your cat’s litterbox routine and environment.

Scoop Daily and Change Weekly

Scoop solid waste from the litterbox daily and change the litter itself weekly. Cats prefer clean litterboxes and are more likely to have accidents if it’s dirty. Scoop into sealable bags or containers and toss in the trash. Change all the litter at least once a week, scrubbing the box with soap and hot water. Allow to air dry completely before adding fresh litter.

Place Litterboxes Strategically

Have one litterbox per floor of your home, placed in low-traffic, easy-to-access areas. Good spots include laundry rooms, bathrooms, and corners of rooms. Make sure there are no lids or covers on the boxes. Some cats prefer open containers, and covers may make them feel trapped.

Try Different Litters

Not all cats like the same type of litter. Your cat may prefer clumping clay, wood, paper, or natural litter. If your cat isn’t using the box, try switching to an unscented, hypoallergenic litter. Some good options for sensitive cats include:

  • Natural litter like wheat, pine, paper, and cedar

  • Clumping litter without added deodorants or perfumes

  • Non-clumping clay litters

Restrict Access

When you’re not home to supervise, restrict your cat’s access to just one room with an easy-to-clean floor like tile, wood, or linoleum. Place the litterbox, food, water, bedding, toys, and scratching post in that room. This way, any accidents will be confined to an area that’s easy to clean before reopening the rest of the house.

Making a few simple changes to your cat’s environment and litter habits can help get diarrhea under control and prevent future messy situations in your home. Be patient through the process, as it can take some trial and error. You’ll return to a clean house and a happy, healthy cat with time and consistency.


So, there are a few pro tips for keeping your home clean and odor-free when your cat has an upset tummy. By being proactive, keeping supplies on hand, cleaning up accidents immediately, and reducing the spread of bacteria, you’ll get through this challenging time without wanting to burn your house down. Hang in there - this too shall pass. And once your furry friend returns to normal, give them some extra love and treats. They didn’t mean to make such a mess, after all. If their diarrhea persists for over a couple of days, it’s best to take them to the vet to get checked out. Your cat’s health and your home’s cleanliness will thank you.