5 Tips to Ensure You Never Lose Your Pet

5 Tips to Ensure You Never Lose Your Pet

According to the ASPCA, more than 7.6 million cats and dogs enter shelters every year – and many are lost family pets. PetHub created Lost Pet Prevention Month in July 2014 to give pet parents focused, in-depth resources, tools, and strategies for preventing a...
Become a Pet Traveling Pro with This Simple Advice

Become a Pet Traveling Pro with This Simple Advice

New Yorkie, New Yorkie, here we come! Planning a vacation with your furry friends can be really exciting! Whether you’re heading to a muttropolitan area or somewhere more rural, you should schedule a check-up for your pet to make sure they’re in good health and are...
4 Tips to Keep Pets Safe on the Fourth

4 Tips to Keep Pets Safe on the Fourth

Independence Day is an exciting time around the country. We celebrate the Fourth of July with BBQs, family, and friends, usually ending the night with fireworks. But, before you head out to buy your hot dog buns and burger meat, be sure to take a few minutes to make...
4 Tips When Adopting Your First Cat

4 Tips When Adopting Your First Cat

June is Adopt-A-Cat Month and, according to the ASPCA, approximately 3.2 million cats enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. If you’ve been thinking about adopting a cat, now is the perfect time to act! But, before you do, keep these four tips in mind:...
Tick and Flea season

Tick and Flea season

It’s almost that time and all of us at Puff & Fluff want to make sure you’re covered for this season. Here are some short but very useful tips to remember! 1. This season starts when the temperature rises above freezing at night—usually in late spring. It...
St. Patty’s day is coming

St. Patty’s day is coming

St. Patrick’s Day is next week, is your irish heart ready?From the parades down to the food and all things green, it sure is gonna be a great day! That being said, there’s definitely no reason for our fur babies to miss out on this international festival!Just by...
Home Remedies For Your Dogs

Home Remedies For Your Dogs

Health is wealth. Whether it’s for you or for your dogs, being healthy is most important than anything else. And no matter how expensive it will cost for grooming or health visits, we’re willing to spend money just to make sure our pets are okay and...
Grooming For Your Pets

Grooming For Your Pets

Your regular grooming routine should include brushing, trimming (including the nails), and also bathing. Grooming your dog has many benefits: It keeps their skin and coat shiny and healthy and for dogs with longer hair it can reduce matting that can cause skin...
Pet Teeth Cleaning

Pet Teeth Cleaning

    It’s National Pet Teeth Cleaning Month and it’s also the time of the month for us to share some tips on how to take care of your pet’s teeth. Aside from providing food, shelter and grooming, it is also important to pay attention to our...
Taking Care of your Furbaby!

Taking Care of your Furbaby!

While a lot of people contend the idea of someone embracing the title “Pet Mom”, still, there are a lot who also stands in belief that pets, like kids, should be treated like family and a “fur mommy” should look after her pet as if it was her own child. These pets,...


The holidays mean that you will soon be traveling a lot and doing this with your pet can be tricky at times. Even if new rules and pet perks make it way lot easier to carry your fur babies with you, going from one place to another can be quite a hassle and may cost...
5 Tips for a Happy HOWL-idays

5 Tips for a Happy HOWL-idays

While the holiday season is almost just around the corner, you wouldn’t want to spoil the merry making with tantrums from your pets. It’s true that these cute little creatures make the occasion a little more special but without proper knowledge of how to keep them...
The Power of Giving

The Power of Giving

Everyday, people from all walks of life face a battle no one knows about. That is the reason why we should always be kind to everyone we meet. No matter how hard we think life can get, there is always someone out there who has bigger, heavier problems than we do....
After Care for Pets

After Care for Pets

After Care for Pets… what does this statement mean? It’s not something we like to discuss or talk about, but there has been a need for it in the community of pet owners. Once a pet is deceased some pet owners want to make sure their pet is looking their...
Why We Love Sponsoring Events!

Why We Love Sponsoring Events!

As many of you know, Puff & Fluff LOVES to give back to the community. We feel that it’s important to do, as we want to make a difference in the community. We can do that because we have a business that people support. The two go hand in hand. We are a...
Lost Pet? Helpful Tips

Lost Pet? Helpful Tips

We all know how stressful it can be to lose a pet, whether it’s yours or someone’s you are watching, it can be nerve wrecking and devastating. No matter how smart or trained your dog is, it will always be a horrible experience or feeling to the owner. We are sure that...
10 Cool Facts About Pet Dogs

10 Cool Facts About Pet Dogs

Dogs are amazing creatures (obviously!) and we all know that but still, there are some interesting facts about them that are not known to many. So we figured we share some of them to you! Here are some of them: 1. 10 to 14 years is the average life of a dog. 2. Dogs...