New year is the time where people tend to feel the urge to change. Change for the better, for the best version oneself’ could be, that is why people from all over the world prepare their “New Year’s Resolution” list. While we enjoy the most of the new year, it will also be very beneficial for our fur friends that we include things about them in the list of things we want to change about ourselves. Below are the top 5 things we should consider changing for our pets.

  1. Ensure age-based food for your pets.

Different pets have different specific requirements when it comes to the nutrients they need in their bodies. In order for them to function and grow well, they should be given the right amount of food that is appropriate for their age. Older dogs for example may need lower energy requirements but their age may demand them to take food that will prevent them from getting terminal illnesses. Choosing food that is appropriate for your pet’s age will keep them healthy and active for long.

  1. Keep the measure, master!

Most of us are not very strict when it comes to the measure of food that we give our pets daily. Usually, this results to obesity in pets. Overfeeding makes your pet gain weight unhealthily. It is important to know the right amount of food to give your pets, based on its size and age.

  1. More time for Playtime!

Incorporating more playtime for you and your pets will not only make your bond stronger but will surely make your pet feel loved and special. More playtime for pets mean more time to exercise, in this way, you only not bond with your pets but you also ensure that they are kept safe and healthy.

  1. They need daily grooming too!

If you’re eyeing on reducing the amount of fur you find on your clothes and furniture, brush your pet daily. Oils distribution from the skin to the fur, keeps their coats shiny and healthy. Also daily grooming shows your pets that you care for them, you sweet pet momma.

  1. Update Pet ID Info

If you’re pet ID is not updated and a lot had changed since the year, you probably would want to look into updating your Pet’s ID so that in case you’ll need it for future reference, you already did it! It will ensure you that you keep your pet safe and easily identifiable all the time.