One of the things new pup owners are excited about is naming their puppy. Well, it’s exciting until you’ve spent so many days thinking and you still can’t decide on what to call the little one. We understand that you would want a name that perfectly reflects how they look and their personality and as a new puppy parent, you want it to be good.

Before we tell you some good and popular dog names, we first want to give you some tips when naming your puppy.

First, we know you’re excited and you’ve probably thought of really nice names that are probably better than our own names. But take in mind that you’ll be using this name to call them and for them to recognize their own name so you don’t want it to be too long. If you really want a long name, think of something that you can shorten to an acronym.

Second, make sure it’s easy to pronounce. Again, don’t make it hard for your dog to recognize their own name and for you to say it.

Third, try and stir away from names that are the same with your family members’ or friends. If you really like the name, it’s best to check with the person if it’s okay with them.

We’ve gone through the internet and collated names that you might want to name your new pups or just a list to get your ideas flowing. Fingers crossed that you find something you like here so we can end your dilemma already!

Here they are:

1. Bailey
2. Lucky
3. Milo
4. Bruno
5. Pepper
6. Lexi
7. Coco
8. Sam
9. Rusty
10. Baxter
11. Zoe
12. Boomer
13. Scottie
14. Spot
15. Prince
16. Princess
17. Bonnie
18. Cora
19. Maggie
20. Cece

Let us know if you liked any of these or if you have other name suggestions!