You’ve finally decided to get a new furry baby and you’re excited. Well, you should be because having a new dog will bring you so much joy in your life. But if you’re inexperienced and unprepared, things can easily go south.

Having a new puppy is similar to having a newborn baby. They need your care, attention, time, and love in order for them to grow up as a healthy and amazing dog.

So what exactly do you need to be prepared for when you have a new puppy?

The first few days can be filled of whining or barking as they are not yet used to being away from their mother or they’re not yet used to you and their new home, sometimes it could be because they want to be cuddled and be taken care of. You may not have a lot of time to attend to their needs, especially when you have a day job, so make sure you have someone to take care of them in this early stage.

Puppies also need proper care so don’t forget to give them the vaccinations they need and to take them to their regular check-ups. This way they’ll get everything they need, detect a problem at an early stage, and get immediate help (should they need one.)

Another important thing that you should note is training your puppy. It doesn’t need to be an extensive training but teaching them and implementing basic rules will help avert bad habits and make things easier for you and your dog. You could ask a professional to help you about this or you can do this yourself.

New puppies are most of the time, very excited. They will run around, they will follow you, they will check things out. You could maybe give them a space where they can do all these at first or if you want them to run around freely, make sure your house is puppy-proofed so nothing important will get ruined and most importantly, your puppy won’t get hurt.

Your puppy will surely explore a lot during it’s early stage so prepare for them to get dirty, may it be through eating or playing. So don’t forget to give them a nice bath or better yet, bring your puppy to us and we will make sure your furry baby will look and feel good after! 🙂

Being a dog owner sure comes with a lot of responsibilities but it comes with a lot of wet kisses, warm hugs, happiness, and sweet love as well. So yeah, it’s totally worth it! <3