With the Summer heat in full-blown, groan inducing swing, it’s time to think about how the drastic change in climate can be dangerous for your pets. Of course, we want our furbabies with us for all of our fun summer activities with the family, but there are certainly things to look out for in this Arizona desert heat. Here are some things to look out for!

I’m sure by now you have seen it on facebook about baking cookies in your cars out in the sunshine, or cooking an egg on pavement. It’s not something that always comes to mind for us, since we wear protective gear on our feet most of the time when we step foot outside. This is something our pets do not have the luxury of, and the hot pavement is not something that should be shrugged off. Even at 77 degrees fahrenheit, asphalt in direct sunlight can reach 125 degrees. Carrying your dog or taking shaded or grassy paths are the best ways to keep them from burning their paw pads in the heat of the day. Simply being aware of the issue is more than half of the battle in keeping your pet’s toes safe!

Another thing we humans love to do in the summer time is cookout! Invite family/friends over, fire up the grill, and jump in the pool (and crack open a bottle of wine)! Naturally, we want our furry family members to be a part of it all, but with all that yummy food around it is very good to be aware of the things that dogs really cannot have. We all know about chocolate, but there is quite the list of things that can be deadly to dogs. Avocado (toxic), Alcohol (poisoning), Onions & Garlic (destroys red blood cells), Caffeine (poisoning), Grapes & Raisins (toxic), Dairy Products (food allergies), Macadamia Nuts (toxic), Candy or Gum (liver failure), Chocolate (toxic), Persimmons (obstruction), Cooked Bones (obstruction and splintering), Plums and Peaches (toxic pits), Baking Soda/Powder (toxic), Corn Cobs (obstructions), Citronella or Insect Repellent (toxic).

The poolside is the place be during the summer, and for the most part, our dogs love the pool, too! It is a quick way to cool off and is refreshing after a day in the sun. If your pool is not gated, and you have a water dog, prepare to have them jump in and out all day if left unattended. If your dog is a pool lover and also has long hair or ears, you may be surprised by how quickly their hair mats up or ears become irritated. While matting is something that happens often, with them losing their winter coat, getting those mats wet can accelerate and worsen your matting problem. Ears and eyes can also become irritated due to repeated exposure to chlorine based pools. Also, if your pet is not getting fully dry at the end of the day, there is always a possibility for them to actually grow mold or mildew in their fur! Monitoring pool time and making sure your pet is clean and dry afterwards will prevent most of these from happening.

Just because it’s hot out doesn’t mean your pet can’t join in on the fun! Be safe and stay cool this Summer!

“No matter what pet you have, keeping them well hydrated in the summer is a must. Even chickens can fall victim to a hot summer, make sure to keep their chicken waterer full and give them plenty of shade.”

To learn more about the dangers Arizona’s heat can cause, click here!
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