If you imagine it, going on a road trip with a dog seems fun. And it is! But it’s not all fun. There are things that owners must know and prepare for to have a hassle-free trip. Sure, running a quick errand with your pup is easy. But what if it’s a long drive?

I know having a baby is not entirely similar with having a dog but it’s one of the closest thing you can compare it to. You need to be prepared to feed it, keep them occupied, and be ready for when they take a dump all while you guys are on the road. You would also, of course, use some things to protect your car and your dog like seat covers, car seats for dogs, etc.

I personally have 4 dogs and having one dog is easy, then you get the second one, it becomes more challenging, but when you get the routine down with two, some think, oh what’s another dog in the house, right? Well, it can be work. Dogs need exercise and routine provided to them. I really believe the exercise and routine makes a humans life easier when owning dogs. We do take the girls out to dinner with us at times, to out door patios in the valley. We love taking them and they love going with us. I have car seats for all the dogs, as their safety is my upmost priority. Traveling with all 4 is not easy, but we are a family and go together where we can. It’s just all about being prepared for whatever your dog might need and what you might need to take care of them and for all of you to have a good time.

Again, it’s not easy but don’t let that get in the way for you and your dogs to have an awesome time together! 🙂

Share your family outings with us and how you handled bringing your loving pets with you.