Bringing in a furry companion in the house takes a lot more consideration than it might seem. Here are the top things that you need to have in mind. Recent times have been challenging; having to stay indoors and maintain social distancing has taken its toll on many of...
Pets are great and make life a lot more fun. They create a happy and vibrant vibe around the house. And the best part? They give so much love that everything feels blissful. However, sometimes they can get playful and stop eating their food. If this happens very...
Pets are the gift of nature that provides us, humans, with a sense of responsibility, companionship and love. No matter what kind it is, a pet appeases our souls. The bond between a human and their pet is unexplainable to those who never experienced it. Owning a pet...
Losing a pet is a painful experience for anyone, whether it happens due to old age, prolonged illness, or an unexpected injury. If you own a horse that seems close to the end of life, emotions are most likely to overwhelm you. It is much like losing a friend and an...
Dogs are great! They’re fun, energetic, playful, and have utmost love and respect for their owners. They are no doubt your best pals, and will accompany you everywhere for all your activities – from swimming to running in the park to even fetching groceries...