With Halloween just around the corner, have you started thinking about costumes for your pet? These costumes can be pricey and there’s no guarantee your pet will even want to keep it on Rather than going out and spending a lot of money, there are plenty of easy DIY...
In the digital age, the internet is overwhelmingly saturated with pet information and pet blogs! How do you decide which one is worth following and keeping up with? Luckily, we’ve picked our top 5 pet blogs we think you should be tuning into! Not only are they...
Losing a pet is one of the hardest things we have to deal with in this world. But we can find peace and comfort in how we choose to celebrate their lives. September 8th marks National Pet Memorial Day and it’s a special time to really reflect on the impact that each...
If you’ve ever been kept up at night by the whining sounds of mosquitoes, then you’ll relate to this. Bees in the park and feeling oppressed in your home by pests are on different levels to each other. You love your dog. But the fleas it’s inviting to your...
Dogs are known as being pack animals, well most of them are. However, there are some dogs that are afraid of other dogs. Fear is a normal emotion when it comes to survival but a problem can arise when there is no need for your dog to be afraid of other dogs and this...