From time to time, dogs need to get clean to maintain essential dog grooming and hygiene standards. This is where dog bathing tips come into play. It is also crucial to bath your dogs to avoid skin and health issues like bacterial or fungal infections. Or, there are other times when your little one needs to be taken to the bathroom for cleaning if it rolls in a puddle of mud or something more stinking.

Dog Bathing Tips

Dogs do not mind being stinky and dirty; in fact, they like it quite a bit. Also, most of them are not afraid to put up a fight if they think it will get them out of bath time. But, bathing your little one is not as complicated as most people would lead you to believe; it is almost the same as you taking a shower. Here are some dog training tips for your pooch to love bathing.

1.   Train from an Early Age

When you are introducing your pet to the concept of a bath for the first time, tie the activity to something positive. In short, offer affection, toys, or treats every time your pooch comes for a bath voluntarily. You can get them started by making them hop into an empty tub, engaging them with toys and treats, and slowly working your way up to adding warm water. Keep repeating the actions until they start to develop a positive attitude and get more relaxed. Treat your dog with a tasty snack or dog toys after the bath. Let’s now see more dog bathing tips.

2.   Start Introducing Dog Bathing Equipment Slowly

Once your pooch gets comfortable with the bathtub and water, you can slowly start introducing bath equipment like hoses, shampoo containers, buckets, and towels. Make your pet stand on non-slip mats and offer rewards. You can also practice your dog to stand in the bathtub; this way, the pooch will get used to being in the tub. All in all, this is one of the best dog bathing tips. You can also turn on the hose on the low flow so that your pet can see and hear the slow running water. Introducing your pet to familiar sights, sounds, and smells of bath and water will make your pet much calmer to bath time.

3.   Brush Your Dog Properly

Before shampooing, you need to brush your little animal. This will help the shampoo get into the fur coat and work on the dust and fleas before they have a chance to go deeper. You can also pick out or cut off any mats before the bath, since adding water will make them very difficult to remove. Brushing your dog’s coat will also detangle the hair and will allow for better shampooing. More dog bathing tips now?

4.   Make Use of the Right Shampoo and Other Bathing Products

If you pick a shampoo that causes drying of your pet’s skin or constant scratching, it will make the bathing experience even more unpleasant than what your pet already perceives it to be. You need to be careful while choosing soaps and shampoo for your pet. An expert explains that you should opt for mild products that will be able to remove dirt and unwanted odors, without washing out the essential oils. You can have a word with the local vet to make sure that you get the right bathing products for your pet.

5.   Always Work from Neck Down

The first rule of dog bathing tips is to stay below the neck. By working from the neck down, you will be keeping your dog’s ears, mouth, and eyes safe. Always wet your dog by using a bucket/cup or a sprayer; you will even find sprayers that have been designed specifically for bathing a pet. If water gets into your dog’s ears or the shampoo enters its eyes, it can cause a lot of health problems, apart from being extremely uncomfortable.  If you want to clean your pooch’s face, make use of a damp cloth.

6.   Dry Right

You can make use of a dog blow dryer to dry your pet nicely, but the feel and noise are some things that your pooch will need to get used to. When it comes to such dog bathing tips, be very careful with these appliances to avoid burning the skin. Alternatively, you can use a towel to dry your dog or the more absorbent dog towels. Of course, you will have to be prepared for the ‘doggy shake’ that comes later.

7.   Prevent Your Dog from Heading out Immediately

Do you want specific dog bathing tips? In general, dogs hate the smell of shampoo. To them, citrus, pine, and mint are not as appealing as rotting garbage. Hence, to stop your pet from rolling in the mud immediately after a bath, do not let your pet out until it is dried-up. Be sure to dry your pooch entirely before letting him out into the house or backyard; mud stains on a wet dog are much harder to clean than on a dry one.

8.   Look for Signs If Your Dog Refuses to Have a Bath

If your animal is showing any signs of irritation after a bath, it is essential to speak to a vet, especially in the case of bumps, wounds, and red spots on the skin that could potentially turn to allergies and hot spots. Any anomalies should be treated as soon as possible to make sure the wounds do not enlarge or become irritated.


Bathing will help keep your pooch’s skin and fur coat healthy, shiny, and free of dangerous and disease-causing parasites. Some breeds might need more frequent baths than others, depending on fur, and how quickly they become dirty. If you feel that bathing your pooch is a tough task, you can also get in touch with professionals.

Do you think we missed out on a few tips? If yes, let us know! You can share this article with all your friends on social media.

by Rachel Hudson 30-something dog trainer. Rae grew up in Texas and later moved through five states before settling in Orlando, Florida. Her passion for dogs and writing led her to start her first book.