How To Potty Train a Dog in 7 Days

When it comes to potty training your dog, it usually begins right from when your new dog comes home with you. From the moment your dog jumps out of your car, you need to start getting them familiar with the outside so they will be trained within seven days. This may...

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Understanding Dog Behavior: Why Does My Pet Eat Grass?

Pets have many curious tendencies that we can’t always understand. A common concern among dog parents is why their dog eats grass? Our dogs eat anything–from dirt to other dogs' feces and toys, realistically anything they can get their mouth on. This is referred to as...

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How Your Pets Benefit From Taking CBD Products

How Your Pets Benefit From Taking CBD Products

CBD products are made from the oil that’s extracted from the Cannabidiol plant. These CBD products don’t contain the THC compound, which is psychoactive. It’s important to remember this and not to confuse CBD products as similar to marijuana products, specifically...

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How to Keep Your Pets Safe From Wild Animals

If a wild animal is living on your property, your entire household’s health is at some risk depending on the animal and the severity of the infestation, but your pet’s health will absolutely be compromised, likely regardless of the severity of the infestation. The...

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Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment: Is It Effective?

Spot On Flea and Tick Treatment: Is It Effective?

Pet parents hate fleas for good reasons. Apart from causing discomfort to your pet itch, they leave dirt behind and can cause diseases in severe cases. As a responsible pet parent, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to protect your pets from fleas. One of the...

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There is no question that cats are a popular choice as a pet. More than 25% of households all across the country prefer these furry felines as a live-in friend. Sure they love to lay across your lap while you work or smack thing for no apparent reason. However, this...

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5 Ways To Ensure Your Dog’s Safety While Walking Outside

5 Ways To Ensure Your Dog’s Safety While Walking Outside

Taking care of your dog and ensuring its safety outside is very important, especially now that various countries are adopting laws that protect animals. For example, in the US, several laws now discuss having limits when tying or chaining pets outdoors. The same goes...

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Why Seniors Should Consider Owning a Pet

 Pets are interesting creatures. From cats that curl up next to you and dogs that want you to throw that same ball over and over again, to singing canaries and graceful tropical fish swimming around in their tanks, pets are sources of companionship and entertainment...

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Phoenix AZ 85018


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Glendale, AZ 85308


39512 W. Daisy Mountain Dr,
Anthem, AZ 85086


5835 N 16th Street. Ste D & E
Phoenix, AZ 85016


221 N Litchfield Rd
Goodyear, AZ 85338

North 32nd (Greenway)

4022 E Greenway Rd. Ste 9
Phoenix, AZ 85032


15231 N. 87th St. 115B
Scottsdale, AZ 85260