It is a topic not everyone is familiar with, or at all comfortable with asking/talking about. I feel there have been a lot of questions about this particular part of our grooming services, so hopefully I can direct a few of you to this blog post or that you can share this with other pet parents who have questions. Anal Gland Expression is something that is offered in most grooming facilities, some (like Puff&Fluff) add it in automatically while others are only done by request. It’s something we deal with everyday and you should not have to feel embarrassed about any questions you might have regarding the health of your furbaby.

The most common issue with glands is that when they are full, they become irritated or itchy, which is why you may sometimes see your pup scootch across the floor. We all hope and pray they do not do this in front of guests or at the dog park, but sometimes we just can’t help it. So, you call up your groomer and ask about it, then bring them in for a bath and brush or just for the glands themselves (we offer it as an a la carte service). From there, they can tell you if anything came out or if something feels wrong.

See, what the glands are there for is mainly for scenting territory or identifying each other (this is why they sniff each other’s behind!). If your pup has a healthy diet and firm stool, the glands typically express themselves, which is why we sometimes have nothing to express. However, if they are not feeling well or have softer stool, the glands become full and uncomfortable, hence scooting along the floor, licking excessively, or even biting. Small dogs tend to have a much more difficult time emptying their glands than that of larger breeds.

However, at a grooming facility, we have only one way to do our expressions and that is externally. These glands are found of both sides of the rectum and are gently manipulated from the outside to achieve emptying. But, like I said, we are a tad limited as compared to a veterinarian who can do the internal expressions. So, if you still notice your dog is having problems with his rear end a few days after visiting the groomers, it may be time to try the vet because maybe we were not able to get enough out to make them comfortable. If there are any serious problems, such as swelling, redness, or a strange color, you would be notified immediately from our end.

While there is not quite like the stench, at least writing this blog didn’t make me feel as gross as the creepy crawlies post! Ick! But I make it my mission to keep each and every pet owner as informed as possible. There is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to the health of your furbaby and you should not have to feel embarrassed to ask!

Tis the season for creepy crawlies! Read more about them here !
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