The Best Christmas Wish List for Dog Lovers

The Best Christmas Wish List for Dog Lovers

We’re all inundated with ideas of what to ask for during the holidays.  Sorting through the commercials and clutter can make putting together your Christmas wish list a daunting task. If you’re a dog owner looking to share gift ideas, we’ve simplified your search with...
10 Fascinating Furry Friend Facts!

10 Fascinating Furry Friend Facts!

So, you LOVE dogs and you think you know everything there is to know about these curious canines– but scientists are always learning more about our furry friends and, today, we’ll share with you 13 incredible facts that you may not have known! Dogs can understand up...
How to Find A Pet Friendly Apartment

How to Find A Pet Friendly Apartment

It feels so good to come home to your pet. But that thought of moving to another place/apartment comes with some difficulties. One is “How to find a pet friendly apartment?”. No pet parent would want to leave their furry one behind.   Here’s a few tips to help...
Do you know these Disney dogs?

Do you know these Disney dogs?

How well do you know your Disney dogs? Take this little test to check how well you know them. No peeking at the answers just yet! 1. Watched over Wendy, Michael, and John Darling. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to come with them to Neverland! 2. He was best friends...
Trivias About the Most Famous Dogs on TV

Trivias About the Most Famous Dogs on TV

You may know these pooches by name, but how much do you really know about them? Here are some fun facts about our famous canine buddies on movies and TV series. 10. Petey, “The Little Rascals” Petey naturally has a partially discolored circle around his eye. Makeup...
Howlarious Show

Howlarious Show

The owner of Puff & Fluff, Liz will be on the Howlarious Show June 3, 2016 at 12 pm. Listen live to hear about her story and how Puff & Fluff came to be! Here is a sneak peak of the show! More info here!

Rescue of the Month – SNIFFAZ

One thing you should know about Puff & Fluff, is that we LOVE to give back to the local community, any way that we can. Each month we pick a local organization to raise money for. Month of May, it is all about giving back to SNIFFAZ. We must share with you that...
Summer Safety Tips

Summer Safety Tips

With the Summer heat in full-blown, groan inducing swing, it’s time to think about how the drastic change in climate can be dangerous for your pets. Of course, we want our furbabies with us for all of our fun summer activities with the family, but there are certainly...

What Do You Mean By “Glands”?

It is a topic not everyone is familiar with, or at all comfortable with asking/talking about. I feel there have been a lot of questions about this particular part of our grooming services, so hopefully I can direct a few of you to this blog post or that you can share...

Matting, what’s the deal?

Matted. Matting. Mat. It’s almost a dreaded word to hear or say as both an owner and a groomer. But aside from breed trims, adorable haircuts, or crazy creative stuff, matting is kind of what the grooming world revolves around. Either we are saving the coat, shaving...

‘Tis the season.. for creepy crawlies!

There is nothing worse than noticing your furbaby itching away at itself only to find something crawling along their skin, I’m itchy just thinking about it! But I will suffer through my itchy, phantom-bug syndrome long enough to deliver necessary information, all you...

The Importance of Body Lingo

Our canine companions are very, very dear and close to us, so much so that sometimes it feels like we know what they’re thinking. For our own dogs, it is amazing how well we can tell how their feeling or what they might do, but that’s because we know them. What about...

The Magic of Deshedding

It’s that time of the year again! As the seasons change, the trees shed their leaves (at least up north) and the animals shed their fur. Dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, you name it! Many animals grow and shed seasonal coats even if they are indoor only. This type of...

Cat Grooming – The Purrfect Cut

Cat grooming, something that not many people are familiar with, is a service we offer here at Puff & Fluff. It is certainly not the first thing that comes to mind when you see a pet grooming salon, and it is hit or miss whether or not they accept cats. Why is...

The News About Nails

One of the most popular à la carte services, and a popular request, is the nail trim. It is also a hygienic maintenance that is difficult for pet owners to perform because of the risk of hurting and traumatizing your loved ones. While baths, brushing, and ear cleaning...

Dangers of the Arizona Heat

It is coming up on us all fast, that time of the year that many of us wish we could join the Snowbirds in heading up North. That’s right, you guessed it, the dreaded Arizona Summer! While we all survive by hopping from one air conditioned place to another, we must...

Tear Stains – why??

In the eyes of a pet parent, our precious furbabies could not be any more perfect. Sure, they can get smelly and dirty if they play in the dirt too long but a simple bath typically brings your pooch up to snuff. Unfortunately some discoloration is tougher to kick than...

Strengthening Our Community Ties

If you ask anyone that knows Liz, owner of Puff & Fluff Grooming – they will consistently tell you this,  that she has the personality and dedication towards her clients that has helped make it blossom into the great grooming shop it has become! This is...

Lost Pet? Helpful Tips

We all know how stressful it can be to lose a pet, whether it’s yours or someone’s you are watching it can be nerve wrecking and devastating. However, here in Arizona – you are not alone. I am going to share with you as much information as possible...

Matting 101

  Here at Puff and Fluff, we have had our fair share of seeing pretty matted dogs. This is not just in part because of the rescues we help. Often times, many pet owners are simply unaware of the care and maintenance needed on their particular breed of dog. We...