For quite a long time, emotional support animals have been of significance to many air travelers, especially persons with disabilities. However, The Department of Transportation (DOT) is holding a downward negotiation on banning emotional support animals on commercial...
Nothing can match the excitement of getting your own pet, right? Well, if that’s true for you, then this blog is just the thing that you need to read. No doubt that all pets are adorable and worthy of all the love that you give to them. However, it is also true that...
Indulging in some relaxation is perfect as a spa getaway weekend. But what sounds like a fun time for you might just have your furry buddy hiding away and refusing to come out. Plan the entire activity so that the little guy starts to enjoy splashing time. You might...
With the holiday season fast approaching, sending a greeting card is a good way to stay in touch with your customers or clients. Indeed, anyone would appreciate getting a Christmas card during the holidays. Moreover, this is usually an opportunity for your business to...
When it comes to potty training your dog, it usually begins right from when your new dog comes home with you. From the moment your dog jumps out of your car, you need to start getting them familiar with the outside so they will be trained within seven days. This may...
Pets have many curious tendencies that we can’t always understand. A common concern among dog parents is why their dog eats grass? Our dogs eat anything–from dirt to other dogs’ feces and toys, realistically anything they can get their mouth on. This is referred...
Nothing can match the excitement of getting your own pet, right? Well, if that’s true for you, then this blog is just the thing that you need to read. No doubt that all pets are adorable and worthy of all the love that you give to them. However, it is also true that...
CBD products are made from the oil that’s extracted from the Cannabidiol plant. These CBD products don’t contain the THC compound, which is psychoactive. It’s important to remember this and not to confuse CBD products as similar to marijuana products, specifically...
If a wild animal is living on your property, your entire household’s health is at some risk depending on the animal and the severity of the infestation, but your pet’s health will absolutely be compromised, likely regardless of the severity of the infestation. The...
Pet parents hate fleas for good reasons. Apart from causing discomfort to your pet itch, they leave dirt behind and can cause diseases in severe cases. As a responsible pet parent, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to protect your pets from fleas. One of the...
There is no question that cats are a popular choice as a pet. More than 25% of households all across the country prefer these furry felines as a live-in friend. Sure they love to lay across your lap while you work or smack thing for no apparent reason. However, this...
Taking care of your dog and ensuring its safety outside is very important, especially now that various countries are adopting laws that protect animals. For example, in the US, several laws now discuss having limits when tying or chaining pets outdoors. The same goes...
Pets are interesting creatures. From cats that curl up next to you and dogs that want you to throw that same ball over and over again, to singing canaries and graceful tropical fish swimming around in their tanks, pets are sources of companionship and entertainment...
Unfortunately, Pitbulls have a bad reputation as vicious or dangerous, but that is unreasonable. In most cases, the reason people have issues with this breed is due to poor training. Many people don’t train and socialize their dogs correctly, which results in...
Is your cat scratching their skin more than usual? Is your furry friend continuously meowing at you, as if they’re complaining about something? If you said ‘yes’ to either of the questions above, perhaps, your fur baby has fleas underneath their fur. Note that failure...
If anyone asks, ‘which are the ‘best’ dog food brands in Canada?’ The right response should be, ‘It depends on what do you mean by ‘best’?’ It’s important to have a set criterion because there are many dog food brands proudly manufactured and sold in Canada. So, it’s...
Contrary to popular belief, keeping a clean home with pets is indeed possible. Some say you can have a clean home or pets, but this simply isn’t the case. Pets will always bring a whole bunch of additional cleaning tasks into the equation. It’s a bit like attempting...
Let’s face it. Traveling is always an exciting adventure. But, when you’ve got pets to leave behind, going away for so long can be tainted with anxiety. It’s normal to worry about how your pets are going to be. For others, they don’t have...
Fleas are never any fun for you or your furry friend. Irritating itching and constant scratching can leave you annoyed and your dog in misery. Even worse, fleas can take shelter in your home after your pooch has brought them in, leading to repeat infestations. But how...
The wonder compound cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining popularity as an ingredient in numerous health and wellness products on the market. Ranging from health supplements to skincare products, CBD is the star of these brands for human consumption. Another exciting thing...
Grooming is essential for our pets because it’s one of the many ways to take care of them. However, you need to ensure that your dog will love the grooming procedure, or else you’ll have a hard time keeping it still. Grooming your dog is also a way of strengthening...
Being a cat owner, you love it when it rubs its body against your legs, sits on your lap, and disturbs you with its cuteness while you are working. However, your feline friend can become annoying when it starts making noise at 3 a.m. or do its business in another...
Cats are one of the most chill domesticated animals in the world. They would spend their days curled up in any area of the house while having a nap. They will let their owners do whatever they need to do without distracting them, as long as they get their regular...
“Time for a W-A-L-K!” This famous phrase is among your dog’s favorite things to hear, and perhaps yours too. Before you head out the door, remember to grab the most essential item for the activity: your dog’s leash. Here in Arizona, there are leash laws that dog...
Your beloved canine companion is limping, and it is a heartbreaking sight. However, due to age, health reasons, or other underlying factors, surgery is just not an option. When faced with this scenario, you have no choice but to buy a dog knee brace for your treasured...
It is the 3rd National Dog Mom Day this Saturday! At Puff & Fluff, we know how important your pets are to you. They are your family members, your best friends, your partners-in-crime; they know your ups and downs and you know how to make their tails wag. We adopt...
Mental stimulating activities are necessary for your dog to keep him engaged in something meaningful to do. Therefore, to entertain your dog, and keep him active mentally, add some brain games in his daily routine. These games alleviate boredom and decrease the...
Cats have got quite a reputation as the best self-groomers. But that doesn’t mean they do not need your help with grooming. Old cats, obese cats, and cats with long hair are generally prone to tangled hair and mats. Not only matted fur look bad but also it is painful...
According to the National Pet Owners Survey, about 67% of households across the US own at least one pet. This number has grown significantly over the past decades. One of the major trends in the pet industry is the prevalence of pet owners among millennials. Back in...
Pet owners who are passionate about their pets are normally fairly easy to shop for. Buy anything pet-related, and nine times out of ten, the owner will love it. However, there are so many pet-related products on the market today, choosing the best gift for a pet...