Do you know what to do if you think your dog or cat has been poisoned? Animal poisonings are some of the most common emergencies vet clinics handle. Dogs and cats take the lion’s share of all incidents – nine out of ten. Although human homes are cozier and...
Gabapentin is a prescription medication developed as an anticonvulsant medication for epileptic patients. Still, it works to help with other neurological disorders such as neuropathic pain and restless leg syndrome. Gabapentin for dogs is now off-label (meaning you...
Gabapentin is a prescription medication developed as an anticonvulsant medication for epileptic patients. Still, it works to help with other neurological disorders such as neuropathic pain and restless leg syndrome. Gabapentin for dogs is now off-label (meaning you...
We all like to pamper ourselves from time to time to feel even better. The same applies to our cats. There is nothing better than regular grooming to help them look their best and feel great. Most cats indeed do that by themselves all the time, but it doesn’t...
While working emergency medicine, early on in my veterinary career, a patient bit my left hand. This injury almost ended my ability to practice medicine. The infection had spread from my hand up to the left side of my neck. My joints became septic. I had to undergo...
Nails are an essential part of our pet’s anatomy, but the nails can become too long and interfere with walking, causing pain in the paw. To avoid these problems, trimming your pet’s nails is necessary to maintain their health and comfort. If you’d...
With dogs and cats becoming beloved members of more and more families, more pet owners are starting to see the value in having pet insurance. It acts as a safety net in cases of accidents, injuries, and illnesses involving your pet. Depending on the type of policy you...
If you frequently travel with a fur baby on board, you’ll no doubt know the struggles of putting car and canine together. Four-wheeled contraptions were not designed with four-legged friends in mind. Whether your dog treats the plush passenger compartment as a chew...
Training a horse is a long and daunting journey, even if you own a gentle animal who obeys all your commands. Handling a rowdy equine is more challenging. You may have the best intentions and experience as a horse owner, but things could easily get off-track. At...
Do you love your pet but hate to leave them at home all day? There are some times when your pet needs care and can’t get it themselves, or they might be too young for it. If so, there are some excellent solutions. Pet owners who can’t stay at home all day...
Small dog breeds are very popular, and for good reason. Many of them are so cute that it is almost impossible not to fall in love with their large eyes and furry bodies. Although they may be small, you should still take good care of them because this is the only way...
The term, ‘self-care’ might bring to mind images of hot bubble baths, spa days, shopping sprees, and generally living your best life, but have you ever stopped to consider what self-care means? Self-care doesn’t just mean indulging whenever the opportunity arises...
A grooming table is of paramount importance if you wish to keep your pet well-groomed. It is one of the most important grooming aids you can buy for your dog. However, the real art lies in choosing a table that’s best for your needs. You should always look for a table...
Orthopedic dog beds are not meant just for older dogs. Even younger dogs like chihuahuas or greyhounds need these beds to prevent calluses under their hips and elbows where there is no padding. If your pet’s breed suffers from arthritis, joint pain, or potential...
Baking is a well-known way of showing a loved one how much you really care. But it doesn’t have to be reserved just for our fellow humans. Show your canine companion some love with this simple recipe for homemade dog treats. Treat your pup to a healthier option using...
Although we have lived with our canine companions for eons, they are yet to accept all of our ways. We love it when our dogs are clean and presentable. It is also crucial for their health and well-being. But many dogs dislike being groomed. A few licks on the limbs,...
Most of us have a thing for adventure. Nothing is better than getting this insane thrill from various activities that you can do out in nature. You can go hiking, paragliding, river rafting, and even diving for these thrills. There are a lot of activities that are...
A horse’s back is a complex and delicate structure of nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones; at the core of this structure is the spinal cord which is the bridge for the nervous system. From the poll to the tail, every movement a horse makes...
There are several cute little doggies out there who have their very own Insta-handles. People are going crazy over those smiling, naughty, and dressed-up dogs. Many digital marketing experts believe that pet-related content will never be outdated on Instagram. This is...
Most large animal veterinarians look after livestock health, including – goats, cattle, pigs, sheep, and horses. It’s a common scenario but a veterinarian can choose to treat other wild animals of their interests too. Such veterinarians are certified in their...
“The best part of having a pet? They’ll be wagging their tails to say welcome every time you come home.” Just like you, the health of your puppies depends upon what they eat and in what quantity. As they can’t speak human language, their eating habits help identify...
Bichon Frise is white fluffy, and very adorable. They are one of the tinier dogs that have a tremendous behavioral pattern. It’s known for being a pleased and playful dog. The number of great facts about the Bichon Frise will be delightful for you. Bichon Frise...
Pets are wonderful companions and provide us with unconditional love so it can be alarming when something goes wrong. They cannot voice out any aches and pains they might be experiencing so it is very difficult for pet owners to determine if they need immediate...
In the past 10 years, pet ownership has increased steadily in the whole US. Approximately 67% of Americans own any kind of pet in their homes. While 53% of Americans own the most popular pet dog. And, the best part is that all of the pride owners consider their pets...
As fur parents, we treat our pets almost like our own babies. We feed them, bathe them, and sleep with them. We just love our pets so much that we’re willing to do everything just for them. And finding the best medical care for them is no exception. Throughout our fur...
Dogs can develop itching due to several reasons. But, is it more itchy in the morning for dogs? Is that a behavior you have been noticing recently? It could be dry skin, allergies, infections, incorrect sleeping habits, food allergies, or habitual behaviors, among...
In Australia, the sale of nutritional supplements for dogs has been growing in recent years, making it the third-largest market for dog dietary supplements. The overall growth of the pet food and pet supply sales business is 16.9% over 2016-21. The increase in the...
Bringing in a furry companion in the house takes a lot more consideration than it might seem. Here are the top things that you need to have in mind. Recent times have been challenging; having to stay indoors and maintain social distancing has taken its toll on many of...
Pets are great and make life a lot more fun. They create a happy and vibrant vibe around the house. And the best part? They give so much love that everything feels blissful. However, sometimes they can get playful and stop eating their food. If this happens very...
Pets are the gift of nature that provides us, humans, with a sense of responsibility, companionship and love. No matter what kind it is, a pet appeases our souls. The bond between a human and their pet is unexplainable to those who never experienced it. Owning a pet...