Losing a pet is a painful experience for anyone, whether it happens due to old age, prolonged illness, or an unexpected injury. If you own a horse that seems close to the end of life, emotions are most likely to overwhelm you. It is much like losing a friend and an...
You must have read everywhere that Labradoodle sheds twice a year, but the truth is they shed all year long. If you own a Labradoodle, you must be aware of that till now. Try vacuuming your home and you will know how much hair your dog sheds. So, how do you control...
Bluenose Pitbulls are the nicest family dogs you would ever meet. No matter how big and burly bluenose pitbull puppies grow up to, it is their mellow and bashful nature that will always warm your heart. Yet, like all other dog breeds, bluenose pit bulls have their...
Stiff joints are very common in dogs as they get older. Although some breeds are more prone to it, almost all dog breeds suffer from stiff joints. Stiff joints cause a lot of pain in dogs and this can seriously affect their quality of life. Stiffness can occur in any...
If a wild animal is living on your property, your entire household’s health is at some risk depending on the animal and the severity of the infestation, but your pet’s health will absolutely be compromised, likely regardless of the severity of the infestation. The...
There is no question that cats are a popular choice as a pet. More than 25% of households all across the country prefer these furry felines as a live-in friend. Sure they love to lay across your lap while you work or smack thing for no apparent reason. However, this...
Pets are interesting creatures. From cats that curl up next to you and dogs that want you to throw that same ball over and over again, to singing canaries and graceful tropical fish swimming around in their tanks, pets are sources of companionship and entertainment...
Unfortunately, Pitbulls have a bad reputation as vicious or dangerous, but that is unreasonable. In most cases, the reason people have issues with this breed is due to poor training. Many people don’t train and socialize their dogs correctly, which results in...
Fleas are never any fun for you or your furry friend. Irritating itching and constant scratching can leave you annoyed and your dog in misery. Even worse, fleas can take shelter in your home after your pooch has brought them in, leading to repeat infestations. But how...
Cats are one of the most chill domesticated animals in the world. They would spend their days curled up in any area of the house while having a nap. They will let their owners do whatever they need to do without distracting them, as long as they get their regular...
Mental stimulating activities are necessary for your dog to keep him engaged in something meaningful to do. Therefore, to entertain your dog, and keep him active mentally, add some brain games in his daily routine. These games alleviate boredom and decrease the...
Cats have got quite a reputation as the best self-groomers. But that doesn’t mean they do not need your help with grooming. Old cats, obese cats, and cats with long hair are generally prone to tangled hair and mats. Not only matted fur look bad but also it is painful...
Running with your dog is one of the best ways to spend time with your pet. It not only keeps you and your pal healthy, but it also helps you stay motivated. However, training your dog to jog with you is not as easy as putting on dog clothes. It requires planning and a...
Cooking up a feast this Thanksgiving? Nothing beats the aroma of stuffing, turkey, and apple pies this time of year…but just because you can dig in to these delicacies, doesn’t mean that Fido can too. In fact, certain holiday foods can leave your pets with a severe...
Animals are so wonderful and cute that you cannot stop loving them. That is why most animal lovers have adopted dogs, cats or rodents. An animal makes your life happier and it improves your mental state. It makes you avoid sedentary life and exercise more. It helps...
Raising a dog can be incredibly rewarding, but as with all things in life, there is the fun part however there are also some duties and obligations. There are many things to consider, and one of those things is getting all the different dog supplies. Now, we all want...
This time of year has a wonderful way of getting people into the giving spirit. While there are endless ways we can give back to our community, let’s think about ways to give back to the pets in our community this year! In fact, there are so many fun ways to get...
Pet lovers are often met with the dilemma of bringing their pets along when traveling by air. However, most airlines nowadays permit traveling with your pet provided that you meet the specific guidelines that the airline company has previously set. As part of general...
Did you know November 1st is National Cook For Your Pets Day?! Even if you’re not a master chef in the kitchen, don’t worry! We’re here to help ya for the HOWLidays! Yappy Meals are a great way for your favorite felines and canines to enjoy Thanksgiving right...
In the digital age, the internet is overwhelmingly saturated with pet information and pet blogs! How do you decide which one is worth following and keeping up with? Luckily, we’ve picked our top 5 pet blogs we think you should be tuning into! Not only are they...
Do you want to keep your dog healthy always? Well, you only need to get your hands on some trusted dog treats. These should be wholesome or low-calorie foods with the best natural ingredients. As more dog lovers begin to see the results of giving their pets a balanced...
Summer is here! It’s that time of the year when everyone – fur babies included – just wants to play outside and get some sun! While we are enjoying the warmer weather, we have to keep in mind that like humans, our pets can get dehydrated and overheated too. It’s...
Life with a pet is one of the most amazing experiences one can have in this life. Animals are probably the only ones that give us unconditional love and who are 100% loyal to their human. In other words, animals are amazing creatures that make our life better,...
One of the most popular questions pet shop owners these days get is how to choose the right size dog carrier. Below are some questions to ask yourself before looking for a dog carrier that you will probably use for a long period of time. What makes your dog weigh? If...
Do you know who taught your dog to be an escape artist and jump the fence? Well, that’s not as important as it may sound. But the thing is you need to be worried about what wrong may happen if your canine buddy frees herself and roam around the streets. Your dog...
It’s only natural that you would take your dog’s needs into account when you’re house hunting. However, sometimes in the rigamarole of boxing up things and researching neighborhoods, certain details can be lost in the shuffle. Here are some points to keep in mind so...
Traveling with your pet can make any trip much more enjoyable; dogs, especially, are loyal companions who can help you feel safer in a strange place. It’s important to make sure you’re well prepared for travel with a pet, however, since they have different safety...
Did you know that April 23 marks National Lost Dog Awareness Day? It may seem silly, but according to the The American Humane Association, it’s estimated that over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen each year– and that’s just in the United States...
Six years ago, Liz Illg opened the first Puff & Fluff location in Phoenix, AZ. Today, we have FIVE locations across the Valley and we want you to know all about the dif-fur-rent services we offer! From pet grooming to pet sitting, Puff & Fluff is a...
Plants can be a lovely way to spruce up your home and bring the outside in, but did you know some plants can be lethal to cats and/or dogs if ingested? March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness Month and the team here at Puff & Fluff wants to make sure your furry...